The house system at Hall Mead is a cornerstone of our ‘Family for Life’ ethos. It is made up of four houses, each with eight tutor groups. Form Tutors are responsible for the welfare and discipline of their pupils and for monitoring their educational progress. The work of the tutors within each house is supported and coordinated by a Senior House Tutor. The houses are:
Chapman House gets its name from the first head boy at the school. The pupils voted for the head boy and Kevin Chapman was elected each year that he was in the school so not only was he the first head boy, but was also head boy for seven years! Chapman House is identified by the colour blue and is led by Mr Shaheed.
Dickens House gets its name from the first Headteacher of Hall Mead School when it opened in 1960 as a secondary modern school. Dickens House is identified by the colour green and is led by Miss Kennett.
Talbot House gets its name from a now extinct breed of hunting dog that was used in the hunting grounds where the school now stands. Talbot House is identified by the colour red and is led by Mr Swan.
Waltham House gets its name from the land which the school is built on which used to be the hunting grounds for Waltham Abbey. Waltham House is identified by the colour gold and is led by Mr Morritt.